Friday, November 15, 2013

Summary of Week of November 11th's Progress

As a group we have decided to create an Arduino project based on a tow truck principle. We will be designing and creating a mechanical arm assembly which will be attached to the back of a toy truck and controlled by Arduino boards. This arm assembly will rotate using a servo motor on the base of the arm. One arm linkage will move vertically using a servo motor as well. A string with a hook attached will extend and contract using a DC motor attached to the base. The DC motor will be geared down using a mechanism that we will design and manufacture using a 3D printer and a laser cutter. This will consist of the two gears connected using a belt. And a bracket to hold the motor down. The two servo motors position will be controlled using a separate potentiometer for each one. As of right now the DC motor is going to be controlled using a push button to control the direction of the motor and a potentiometer will be used to control the speed using an H- Bridge.

Our Arduino code is currently at the point where each servo is independently controlled by its own potentiometer. We have the code we expect to run the DC motor as we got from Adafruit, but we are waiting for our H-Bridge to arrive so we can test our code. We will also be using our LCD screen to indicate something about our projects movements but we have not decided upon the exact purpose yet.

As for team meetings this week Chris, Paul, and Jeremy met November, 13, 14, and 15. We all spent a total of 10 hours on our Mater the Repo Truck project this week.

The goals that we established for the next week are as follows:
1. Create solid models for the parts and a test assembly using Solidworks.
2. Continue to finalize and modify our Arduino code.


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